Few organizations factor in perpetuity when they undertake projects or programs. Five Valleys Land Trust does, and that strategic vision is why I’m proud to support our mission to protect western Montana for future generations.
To ensure that we continue to meet the changing needs of our community, we adopted our 2021-2024 Strategic Business Plan in January 2021 which includes four Conservation Initiatives: protect large landscape wildlife habitat connectivity and working agricultural lands, support our region’s climate adaptation and resilience, expand equitable public access to community open spaces, and ensure responsible stewardship of the lands under our care in perpetuity. One year later, we have made progress on all these initiatives while we forged ahead building partnerships, conserving open landscapes for wildlife and people, and stewarding our landscape for both today and tomorrow.
These accomplishments are driven and supported by you -- our donors, landowners, partners, and volunteers. As we celebrate 50 incredible years in 2022, I hope you will take a moment to appreciate all that we achieved together in 2021.
-Jeff Roth, President, Board of Directors
Photo of the 2021 Rock Creek Confluence open house by Five Valleys staff